Fourth Grade

There are six fourth grade teachers.

Geraldine Curry

Nita Kattell

Joe Powers








Sue Rowe

Carol Rowley

Nancy Taylor


Grading scale

Homework philosophy



Special events


Grading scale

The fourth grade students are evaluated on the A, B, C, D, F grading system. The following explains what each grade represents:

90-100% A excellent or outstanding

80-89 % B above average

70-79 % C average

60-69 % D below average

below 60% F not passing

It is our belief that homework should be a time when children practice and reinforce lessons taught during the school day. Parents should understand that homework encourages independence and creativity. Parents can provide helpful home atmospheres that encourage their child to do their best. Individual fourth grade teachers have their own homework standards that you and your child should be aware of. Check with your child's teacher to ascertain these.

Lee Canter's Assertive Discipline is widely used throughout this grade level. Four/five rules are posted in the class along with a list of rewards and consequences. Consistency is the key to our effective discipline program.

Major infractions are dealt with in a different manner. School policy states that any violation of district rules will result in time spent in the in school suspension room. This room is staffed with a full-time aide whose job it is to monitor children who have chosen to break these rules. The length of time served depends on where the child is on our discipline system.

For further information, please contact our building secretary.

Fourth grade is a time to focus on responsibility. This includes meeting deadlines for homework, preparing for tests, waiting their turn to speak, and learning to control outbursts and aggression at school. By the end of fourth grade, students should be able to multiply two and three digit numbers in mathematics as well as divide one digit numbers, work with fractions, mixed numbers, and common denominators.

The main objectives of language arts are that children can write, edit, and revise all written assignments. They must know the parts of speech, and decipher between the different kinds of sentences. In reading fourth graders are able to find and read books for both pleasure and research. We focus on the novel approach to immerse children in quality literature and work on coinciding skills necessary for this grade level.

The social studies program encompasses each region of the United States. Continent names and locations are also focused upon.

In science the main themes covered are rocks and minerals, the life cycles of plants, the relationship between temperature and states of matter, magnetism and electricity, and earth's land resources. Age appropriate personal hygiene subjects are covered along with acceptable social skills.

To celebrate the holiday season, the entire fourth grade enjoys a holiday brunch. Each child is responsible for contributing to the festivities. At the conclusion of the brunch holiday songs are sung.

In the early spring a variety of field trips may be taken either to a local theater where our fourth graders listen to and learn about our own local symphony; or possibly Missoula's own Wildlife Film Festival where we examine a variety of films and learn about various animals and their habitat.

In the spring, a day of physical activities is planned to promote fitness and well being. Activities include swimming, golfing, bowling, and hiking.

We also enjoy a day of outside competitiveness during our annual Track and Field Day. Each child chooses the events from a list of track, field and fun events.

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